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GCL-010205 BK7 Bi-Convex Lenses

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GCL-010205 BK7 Bi-Convex Lenses

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GCL-0102 BK7 Bi-Convex Lenses


Similar to plano-convex lenses, a bi-convex lens has a positive focal length and focuses parallel rays of light to a spot. Because the front and back surface of the lens are spherically convex and have the same radius of curvature, in situations where the object and image are at equal of near equal distances from the lens, it particularly minimizes spherical aberration, at the same time, aberration coma and distortion are also identically canceled. As a guideline, bi-convex lenses offer minimum aberrations at the conjugate radio between 5:1and1:5.



• Focal Length (f'):                     +/-2% at 5μm
• Diameter(φ) Tolerance:           +0.0/-0.20
• Center Thickness(Tc):            ±0.1
• Centration:                              3′
• Form Error:                             3 fringes
• Irregularity of Fringes:            0.5 fringes
• Surface Quality:                      60-40 scratch-dig
• Clear Aperture:                       90% diameter
• Uncoated



GCL-0102 BK7 Bi-Convex Lenses

Part No      Ø         f' fb Tc Te weight
GCL-010201 6 19 18.1 3 2.5 1
GCL-010215 10 15 13.7 4.2 2.5 1
GCL-010216 10 30 28.7 3.9 3 1
GCL-010202 12.7 25.4 23.7 5 3.4 2
GCL-010203 12.7 38.1 36.7 4 3 2
GCL-010217 20 30 28 5.9 2.5 4
GCL-010218 20 40 37.9 5 2.5 3
GCL-010219 20 60 59 4.7 3 3
GCL-010220 20 75 73.7 4.4 3 3
GCL-010204 25.4 50.8 49.1 6 2.8 6
GCL-010205 25.4 100 98.5 5 3.4 6
GCL-010206 25.4 150 148.6 5 4 6
GCL-010207 25.4 175 172.7 5 4.1 6
GCL-010221 30 60 57.6 7 3.3 7
GCL-010222 30 120 118.7 5 3.2 7
GCL-010223 30 180 178.5 5 3.8 8
GCL-010224 30 250 248 5 4.1 9
GCL-010225 30 300 298.1 5 4.3 9
GCL-010226 40 100 97 8 4 20
GCL-010227 40 150 148.5 6 4 16
GCL-010228 40 250 247.9 5.6 4 16
GCL-010212 50.8 150 148.1 8 3.8 30
GCL-010213 50.8 250 248.8 6 3.5 25
GCL-010214 50.8 400 398.2 6 4.4 28
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